BEO IconsBaby changing onsite: Because, let’s face it, no one wants to find themselves halfway through lunch only for your babe to produce a poonami and then realise there is literally nowhere to change them. (Yes, I have been there. No, it wasn’t pretty.) Forewarned is forearmed and all that…

BEO Icons

High chairs available:

Some days high chairs are totally unnecessary (helllllooo cheeky naptime coffee!) Other days, you absolutely NEED somewhere to contain your little angel for five minutes while you attempt to eat something. Now there’s no need to play the high chair lotto.

BEO IconsKids menu:

Because, quite frankly, no one wants to pay for a whole grown-up breakfast when all the babe is gonna do is suck a slice of toast or mash beans into their face! And babyccinos, quite frankly, are life…

BEO IconsBreastfeeding safe zone:

In England and Wales your right to breastfeed in public is covered by the Equality Act 2010 which states, “A business cannot discriminate against mothers who are breastfeeding a child of any age.” But we all know that some nursing mums can feel a bit nervous about feeding their baby while they are out and about. This symbol lets you know that the staff at this eatery are committed to doing all they can to support breastfeeding mums, so you know you can really relax (as much as the niplash will let you that is!)

BEO IconsBottle feeding supported:

Need some hot water to make up your baby’s formula? Or need the babe’s bottle warmed? This symbol means the eatery will happily do this for you.